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Using The Package Table Plugin

1.) First, you will need to set up your package. You can do this under templates → Packages on your Dubsado account. You will need to add a package name, and then item names and descriptions. Each line item here will show up as a separate line on the package table:

2.) Add your package to your Dubsado form. The package may be inside a one, two, three, or four-column container block. All packages must be inside a Dubsado container block for the packages to work correctly with Genie.

3.) Once you have added your package to Dubsado, remove the default Dubsado smart fields and replace them with the following:

{{package.name}}{{package.items | packageItems}}{{package.total / 100 | currency}}

You will notice that once you save your changes, a table will populate with your package information. Remember to hit “Save” on your Dubsado form.

4.) Once you have loaded your form into Genie, navigate to your package table on the Plugin Menu.

Under Package Table → Layout → Options, select whether you would like the package table to apply to all the packages on your form, or only one specifically.

Please note that if you plan on using other package elements on your form such as the package card, you will not be able to use the “Apply to all” option as this will cause all of your packages, even the ones with other package elements applied, to take on elements of the package table.

If you need it to apply to more than one, but not all, you will need to duplicate the plugin and then apply it to the second package.

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