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Using The Package Card 2 Plugin

The Package Card Two Plug-in is a little different than some of our other plug-ins because it requires us to do some specific setup on the Dubsado side of the form.

  1. Add a two column container block to your Dubsado form where you want the package to appear.
  2. On the LEFT side of the container, add in the image you would like to use. On the RIGHT side of the container, add in your package.

  3. Click the Save button to save your changes on the Dubsado side.
  4. On the Genie side, add the Package Card #2 to your form and switch to editing it.
  5. Under Package Card Options -> Layout, make sure you select the package you wish to apply it to from the drop-down. (Packages are numbered left to right and top to bottom. The picture below is the fourth package on the proposal as there are three others above it.)

  6. You have now added the package card 2 to your form and are now able to customize it as much as you like!
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