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Adding Code To Contracts & Sub Agreements

If you're using Dubsado's new form builder, please note that Genie and other third-party plugins won't work on Contracts and Sub Agreements anymore. This is because Dubsado removed the HTML block element needed for these plugins to function.

However, Dubsado has added a CSS box so you can still style your form elements. To apply styling, use the “Copy contract styles to clipboard” feature. Clicking this button will copy styles from an existing template to ensure your form fields, buttons, fonts, and other design elements appear consistently on your Contracts and Sub Agreements.

How to add CSS to Contracts & Sub Agreements

  1. Click the Rub the lamp button in the top right corner of your template in Genie.
  2. Click the Copy contract styles to clipboard button (your CSS will be copied to your clipboard).

  3. Head over to your Contract or Sub Agreement > click Form styling > scroll down > click the Edit CSS button.
  4. Paste the CSS into the code block.
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