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Why and How to Convert to Dubsado’s New Builder

We will no longer be supporting Dubsado’s Legacy Builder on March 1st, 2023. Here's what you need to know...

Why Are We Stopping Support of the Legacy Builder?

To put it simply, we don’t have the resources to continue supporting two separate platforms. Dub-ins is a small team and Dubsado’s legacy and new form builders are two, totally separate, architectural pieces of framework that’s preventing us from growing and making Dub-ins better for you.

With the recent bug from Dubsado’s new form builder (auto converting our legacy forms to non-legacy) and now, indefinite timeline of permanently shutting off the legacy builder, we have to move on from the legacy builder in order for us to build the best version of Dub-ins.

Why Should You Update to the New Builder?

There are several benefits when updating to Dubsado’s new form builder and using Genie. This includes:

  • Future-proofing your Genie templates
  • More capabilities using our plugins (e.g., along with hiding/revealing sections of your form using Checkboxes and Packages, our Conditional Logic—with the new form builder—now supports Dropdowns, Multiple Choice, and Workflow Dropdowns).
  • You’ll notice far less bugs from both Dubsado and Dub-ins.

What Features Will You Lose Converting to The New Builder?

Converting to Dubsado's new builder does take away a few workarounds that we have been using with your Dubsado forms. This includes:

  • The ability to embed forms and schedulers inside of other Dubsado Forms
  • The ability to use Contract re-directs
  • The ability to use most plugins inside of contracts.

What Happens if You Choose Not to Convert to the New Builder?

In short, nothing! Your live forms will continue to work as they always have, barring any changes that Dubsado themselves makes to the infrastructure of their platform. Should you need to make any changes or adjustments in Genie going forward, however, you will need to update to the new builder.

How Do You Convert Your Genie Forms to the New Builder?

  1. Make a copy of your form on Dubsado. This will give you a safety net to fall back on and allow you to revert to using your Legacy form should anything happen while you are converting.
  2.  Delete your magic block from your form and save your form.
  3. Toggle the new form builder toggle to ON.

  1. Toggle the Legacy switch in the settings of your form to OFF.

  1. Load your form in Genie. Toggle the switch in Genie to ON.
  2. Copy and paste the new initial code onto your Dubsado form. Save your form.
  3. Refresh the preview of your Genie form. Your form is now compatible with the new builder! You can continue to edit just as you always have. 

Please be aware that unlike before, you will need to make proposals public (Either by adding in the mapped fields and toggling on public proposal OR adding to a project.) Otherwise, a red error will appear at the top of your form.

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