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04. Setting Up Your Dubsado Form

1.) Create your form with all your Dubsado elements you wish to use on it. (This includes questions, packages, etc.) Except for packages, all elements can either be inside or outside a Dubsado container block. Packages on Proposals must always be included within a 1,2,3 or 4 column container block.

2.) Ensure that any packages on the form are set up with the correct smart fields for the package plugin element you wish to use.

Package Table: {{package.name}}{{package.items | packageItems}}{{package.total / 100 | currency}}

Pricing Table: {{package.total / 100 | currency}}

Package Card 1: {{package.name}}{{package.total / 100 | currency}}

Package Card 2: Refer to “How to Use Package Card 2”

3.) If your form is a lead capture form, you do not need to take any further steps at this point. If your form is a Proposal or Questionnaire, You will now need to create a project in Dubsado to add your forms to in order to get them to work with Genie. This is because Dubsado restricts previewing some forms unless they are inside a project. Navigate to your Dubsado Dashboard and click “New Project”

4.) Fill out the information for the project and click “Create Project”. You can add yourself as the client and put the project in any status you like. The sole purpose of this project will be for housing your forms for editing.

5. ) Once the project loads in, click on the forms tab. From there, locate your proposal or questionnaire from the drop down.

You are able to use this project to add in any additional forms you would like to be able to edit with Genie so that they are all in one place. Once your form is inside the project, you are ready to continue with the next step.

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