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07. Creating and Using Typography Templates

Now we are ready to start setting up some typography for your brand. This is your heading 1, heading 2, body font, etc. We will use the fonts you added in the previous lesson, so if you have not yet added any fonts, please refer back to this lesson.

1.) Once inside the generator, on the left-hand side panel, click on “Style” → “Typography”

2.) Click on the Gear Icon in the dropdown. This panel might look slightly different depending on which plugin you are using, but any gear on this page will work the same way.

3.) Click on the + button to add new typographies. From here you will be able to adjust the font, size, color, spacing, etc. You can create all your headings and body font from this page, or adjust any current fonts.

Tip: If you do not see your font in the drop-down, it means you haven’t yet added your font on the fonts page. Refer to the previous lesson to learn how to do this.

4.) Once you have created your typography templates, you are able to use them wherever the option is present to change a font. We have two options for changing typographies. First, if you click the gear icon, it will bring up the same menu as above and will allow you to update that same typography globally on every place on your form and every future time you use that font:

However, if you only want to make a small change, for instance changing the color, in just one spot on the form, click on the clock icon. This will only update that specific place on your form.

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