09. How to Edit a Plugin Using Genie

Once you have loaded your form into Genie, you are ready to start editing the plugins.

1.) Plug-ins are edited one section at a time. You can edit each plugin by clicking on the "Edit Plugin" button that you see when you hover over each section.

2.) For every plugin, a panel appears with all of the different customization options for that plugin.

The best way to learn Genie and all the customizations possible is to physically go in and change things on this panel to get a look that you are happy with.

  1. To edit text, this is done in one of two ways.

First, for plug-ins that only have one visible set of text (Such as the Header 1 or Section Banner) you will see that there is a green box surrounding the text. Simply click inside that box and you will be able to edit the text, change the font, change the styling, etc.

  1. If the plugin has text that changes (Such as the testimonial slider) you will find the ability to edit the plugin text and styling in the edit panel under the "Content" section:

3.) To edit a different plugin, simply click the edit button next to it. To close out of a plugin editing panel, simply click the x at the top of the panel.

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