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12. Adding Your Genie Form To Dubsado

1.) Once you are happy with your design and ready to move it over to Dubsado to use with your clients, there is only a couple of steps you need to do. First, click the “Rub the Lamp” button in the top corner.

2.) Click on the “Copy Magic to Clipboard” button

3.) Add a new HTML block to the very top of your form outside any container blocks and paste the code you just copied into this block.

4.) Press the save button to save your changes. To Preview your form, add your form id to the end of this URL and open in an incognito browser.


5.) When you have previewed your form and are happy with how it looks, you are now able to save it to your template area. Open the project inside the form and then click the drop down next to the save button. Click the “Save as Template” option to save it to your template area. This will allow you to use the template with your clients and in workflows as you normally would.

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